Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
3. El sacrifice of Ifigenia, 1.Iphigenia, believing the words of Ulysses, when her mother came to Aulis. 2. near the girl's death, all Greeks were greatly moved. 3. Nor, however, Iphigenia, dolor, nec Clytaemnestrae prayers, nor the wrath of Achilles, were able to overcome the king of the proud: but his father, the daughter, and brought him to the altar. 4. The priest has iron in his hand, and then kill the poor Iphigenia. 5. At the same time, the hind of Diana he placed before the altar, for a girl. 6. It is not Iphigenia, Agamemnon, but he sacrificed a deer. 7. The Greek fleet Asia could ask for. 8. Iphigenia, she is a goddess in the Crimea and brought him to. 9. Whilst he was a priest in the temple of the goddess.
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