PASTOR ET OVES/ Hic vir, quī in campō ambulat, pāstor Iūliī est. Pāsto tłumaczenie - PASTOR ET OVES/ Hic vir, quī in campō ambulat, pāstor Iūliī est. Pāsto angielski jak to powiedzieć

PASTOR ET OVES/ Hic vir, quī in cam

/ Hic vir, quī in campō ambulat, pāstor Iūliī est. Pāstor
nōn sōlus est in campō, nam canis niger cum eō est et
centum ovēs: ūna ovis nigra et ūndēcentum ovēs albae.
Pāstor ūnam ovem nigram et multās ovēs albās habet. Is
5 est dominus ovis nigrae et ovium albārum. Pāstor ovī
nigrae et ovibus albīsaquam et cibum dat. Cum Qnāove
nigrā et ūndēcentum ovibus albīs pāstor in campō est.
Cibus ovium est herba, quae in campō est. In rivō est
aqua. Ovēs in campō herbam edunt, et aquam bibunt ē
10 rivō, quī inter campum et silvam est. Canis herbam nōn
ēst, neque pāstor herbam ēst. Cibus pāstōris est pānis,
quī inest in saccō. Iūlius pāstōri suō pānem dat. Pāstor
canī suō cibum dat: canis ā pāstōre cibum accipit. Itaque
canis pāstōrem amat.
In Italiā sunt multī pāstōrēs. Quī viā Appiā Rōmā 15
Brundisium it multōs pāstōrēs videt in campīs. Numerus
pāstōrum magnus est. Dominī pāstōribus suīs cibum
dant. Canēs ā pāstōribus cibum accipiunt.
Post campum montēs sunt. Inter montēs sunt vallēs.
In campō est collis. (Collis est mōns parvus.) In colle 20
arbor est. In silvāmultae arborēs sunt. Ovēs nōn in silvā
neque in monte, sed in campō sunt. In silvā est lupus.
Pāstor et ovēslupum tim^nt, nam lupus ovēsēst. In silvīs
et in montibus lupī sunt, in vallibus nūlll sunt lupī.
Sōl in caelō est suprā campum. In caelō nūlla nūbēs 25
vidētur. Caelum est suprā terram. Montēs et vallēs,
campīsilvaeque sunt in terrā. In caelō sōl et nūbēs sunt,
sed suprā hunc campum caelum sine nūbibus est. Itaque
sōl lūcet in campō.
Pāstor in sōle ambulat. Sub arbore autem umbra est. 30
Pāstor, quī nūllam nQbem videt in caelō, cum cane et
ovibus ad arborem adit. Pāstor umbram petit. Etiam
ovēs umbram petunt: post pāstōrem ad arborem adeunt.
Pāstor ovēs suās ad arborem dūcit.
Ecce pāstor in umbrā arboris iacet cum cane et ovi- 35
bus. Arbor pāstōrī et canī et ovibus umbram dat; sed
ovis nigra cum paucīs aliīs in sōle iacet. Pāstor, quī
fessus est, oculōs claudit et dormit. Canis nōn dormit.
Dum pāstor in herbā dormit, ovis nigra ab ovibus albīs //
abit et ad rivum currit. Ovis nigra ovēs albās relinquit et 40
rivum petit; aquam bibit ē rīvō, et in silvam intrat!Canis lātrat: "Baubau!" Pāstor oculōs aperit, ovēs
aspicit, ovem nigram nōn videt. Pāstor ovēs numerat:
"Ūna, duae, trēs, quattuor, quīnque ūndēcentum."
45 Numerus ovium est undēcentum, nōn centum. NQllae
ovēs albae absunt, sed abest ovis nigra. Pāstor et canis
ovēs albās relinquunt et silvam petunt. Pāstor saccum
cum pāne in colle relinquit.
Dum cēterae ovēs ā pāstōre numerantur, ovis nigra in
50 magnā silvā, ubi via nūlla est, errat. Ovis, quae iam
procul ā pāstōre cēterisque ovibus abest, neque caelum
neque sōlem suprā sē videt. Sub arboribus sōl nōn lū­
cet. Ovis nigra in umbrā est.
In terrā inter arborēs sunt vestīgialupī. Ubi est lupus
55 ipse? Nōn procul abest. Ovis vestīgialupī in terrā videt,
neque lupum ipsum videt. Itaque ovis lupum nōn timet.
Parva ovis sine timōre inter arborēs errat.
Lupus autem prope ovem est. Pāstor et canis procul
ab eā sunt. Lupus, qul cibum nōn habet, per silvam
60 errat. Lupus in silvā cibum quaerit, dum pāstor et canis
ovem nigram quaerunt.
Pāstor: "Ubi est ovis nigra? Age! quaere ovem, canis,
et reperi eam!" Canis ovem quaerit et vestīgia eius in
terrā reperit, neque ovem ipsam reperit. Canis lātrat.
65 Pāstor: "Ecce vestīgia ovis. Ubi est ovis ipsa? DQc mē
ad eam, canis!" Canis dominum suum per silvam dūcit
ad ovem, sed ovis procul abest.
Lupus ululat: "Uhū!" Et ovis et canis lupum audiunt.
Canis currit. Ovis cōnsistit et exspectat dum lupus venit.
Ovis bālat: "Bābā!" 70
Ecce lupus quī ante ovem est! Iam ovis lupum ipsum
ante sē videt. Oculī lupī in umbrā lucent ut gemmae et
dentēs ut margaritae. Parva ovis oculōs claudit et dentēs
lupl exspectat. Lupus collum ovis petit dentibus...
Sed ecce canis accurrit! Lupus sē ab ove vertit ad 75
canem, quī ante lupum cōnsistit et dentēs ostendit. Lupus
ululat. Canis lātrat. Ovis bālat.
Pāstor, quī iam prope est, clāmat: "Pete lupum!" Canis
clāmōrem pāstōris audit, et sine timōre lupum petit.
Lupus autem ovem relinquit et montēs petit. 80
Pāstor quoque accurrit et ovem suam, quae in terrā
iacet, aspicit. In collō eius sunt vestīgia dentium lupī!
Ovis oculōs aperit et ad pāstōrem suum bālat.
Pāstor laetus ovem in umerōs impōnit eamque portat
ad cēterās ovēs, quae sine pāstōre in campō errant. 85
Procul in monte lupus ululat.
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Feeder, and the sheep
/ This is the man who is walking in the fields, and the food of Julius. Pasta
is not only in the fields of, for the white dog a black with him, and
a hundred sheep, one sheep is black and Undecentum of being white sheep.
Many sheep are black and one ewe lamb that has a white paste. Is
5 is the master of a sheep, sheep, black and white. Past egg
and black sheep albīsaquam and gives food. When Qnāove
black sheep Horatius Undecentum and paste in the camp.
sheep meat plant, which is in the field. In the stream
water. The sheep eat the grass in the fields, and the water they drink ē
10 streams which ran between the plain, and the forest is. The dog is not the grass
is, or as a Pastor grass. The food of the shepherd is the bread
which is in the sack's mouth. Iūlius its pastor gives the bread. Paste
Canio suo food to the: Pastor the dog food that receiveth it. Therefore,
the German Shepherd, loves more.
In Italy there are many shepherds. Quī Roma 15 Via Appia
Brindisi it sees many pastors in the camps. The number of
pasta is great. Domino with their food
themselves. Shepherd dogs receive food.
After a plain mountains. Between the mountains there are the valleys.
In the field of the hill. (A hill of the mountain is called small.) In the hill of the 20
is a tree. In silvāmultae trees. Sheep are not hid in the woods
or on the mountain, but in the Campus. Is a wolf in the woods.
ovēslupum tim ^ nt of cattell, and, for the wolf ovēsēst. In the woods
and in the mountains are the wolves, the wolves are in the valleys, it posits no.
the sun in the sky is above the plain. In the sky no clouds 25
videos. The sky above the earth. Mountains and valleys,
campīsilvaeque unto the ground. The sun and the clouds are in the sky,
but the sky without a cloud, Above this is a plain. Therefore,
the sun shines in the field.
Paste in the sun is walking. Under the shade of a tree. 30
Pasta, which is none nQbem sees in the heavens, with the dog and
the sheep to the tree of his see. Asks the shadow of the past. Even
the shadow of the sheep, they ask: and after that to the shepherds to the tree approach him.
His sheep to be the shepherd said to the dog with him.
35 Behold, the shepherds in the shade of a tree lies with the dog and ovi-
bus. The tree shepherds and sheep dog and gives shade; but
lies in the sun, a black sheep with a few other. Shepherd, who
is tired, he shuts his eyes and sleeps. The dog is not sleeping.
While you're eating pasta for herbā has fallen asleep, a black sheep from the flock, Horatius is //
goes away, and the river of running. Black sheep and white sheep leaves 40
river routes; It is taken in the river of the water, and enters into the forest! The dog is to bark: "baubantur!" Paste The eyes are open, and the sheep
looks at it, a sheep, a black is not seen. A shepherd the sheep to count:
"one, two, three, four, five Undecentum."
45 The number of the sheep the Undecentum, not a hundred. NQlle
white sheep standpoint, but from a black sheep. Shepherd dog and
white sheep leave the forest and recreation. Paste the sackcloth
with the bread in the hill of leaves.
while the rest of the sheep by the shepherd counted, a black sheep in the
50 the great woods, where there is no way, is in error. Ovis, which is already
far from the sheep by the shepherd, and the other is absent, nor the sky
, nor of the sun above as they see themselves. Under the trees, the sun is not lū
cet. A black sheep in near-darkness.
In the land between the trees are vestīgialupī. Where is the wolf
was 55? Not far from here. Ovis vestīgialupī in the earth desired to see,
nor the wolf sees. So have no fear of a wolf.
A small eggs without fear, wanders among the trees.
The wolf is near a sheep. Of the shepherds, and the dog at a distance
from that are therein. Lupus, is He that has not the food through the forest,
60 makes an error. The wolf in the forest looking for food, as long as the shepherds, and a dog,
a sheep, a black is looking for.
past: "Where is the black sheep? Age, which, a sheep, a dog,
and I have found it! " Sheep dog and trying to follow his footsteps into
terra found, or found the sheep. The dog barks.
65 Past: "Behold, the traces of a sheep. Where is the eggs of the same? DQC mē
to her, the dog! " The dog is his master, leads through the wood
to a sheep, but the sheep is far off.
The wolf howls: "Uhu!" And a sheep, the wolf and the dog listen to you.
The dog is running. While waiting for the wolf and the lamb lies.
Ovis Bala: "Baba!" 70
Here is a wolf in sheep before! Now lamb hates a wolf himself
is before him, he sees God. The eyes of the wolves in umbrā shine as jewels and
has teeth like pearls. Small eggs eye and a tooth
lupl waiting. A wolf in sheep's neck and asks teeth ...
But look, the dog ran! 75 a wolf by the ab ove back towards the
dog, who was before the wolf in safety, and a tooth for it. The wolf
howls. The dog barks. Ovis of Bala.
Shepherd, who now nigh at hand, we cry: "Ask, the wolf!" The dog
hears the cry of a shepherd, and without fear the wolf, it asks for.
The wolf, however, leaves the sheep, and in mountains, it asks for. 80
, too, of the shepherds, the sheep, and ran to his own, is in the earth
of the world, she's tired. About his neck, are the traces of the wolf's teeth!
Ovis The eyes are open, and to the hand of his Bilhah.
Paste happy shalt thou lay upon the shoulder of a sheep, and carries it
to the other sheep are, in the fields, which, without a shepherd, they are wrong. 85
At the mountain wolf howls.
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