Apollo et Diana erant liberi Latonae. Thebani eis sacra crebra paraban tłumaczenie - Apollo et Diana erant liberi Latonae. Thebani eis sacra crebra paraban angielski jak to powiedzieć

Apollo et Diana erant liberi Latona

Apollo et Diana erant liberi Latonae. Thebani eis sacra crebra parabant. Oppidani amabant Latonam et liberos eius. Id superbae reginae erat molestum. “Cur,” inquit, “Latonae et liberis sacra paratis? Duos liberos habet Latona; quattuordecim habeo ego. Ubi sunt mea sacra?” Latona verbis irata liberos suos vocat. Advolant Apollo Dianaque et sagittis suis miseros liberos reginae superbae delent. Niobe, nuper laeta, nunc misera, sedet apud liberos interfectos et cum perpetuis lacrimis eos desiderat.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Apollo and Artemis were the children of Latona. Theban sacred frequent scale. The citizens loved Latona and her children. This was a proud queen was very painful. ?? Why?? He says,?? Latona and children earlier tasks? Latona has two children; I am fourteen. Where are my rituals??? Latona, the angry words he calls his own children. Apollo Dianaque queen destroy the wretched children and their arrows fly. Niobe, the late joyful, now, miserable, and sits in his children and with continual tears for the slain of them desires.
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