Alexander, Dareium persequendo fatigatus, quod et nox appetebat et eum tłumaczenie - Alexander, Dareium persequendo fatigatus, quod et nox appetebat et eum angielski jak to powiedzieć

Alexander, Dareium persequendo fati

Alexander, Dareium persequendo fatigatus, quod et nox appetebat et eum consequi non poterat, in castra paulo ante a suis capta pervenit. invitari deinde amicos nonnullos ad convivium iussit, cum repente e proximo tabernaculo lugubris clamor, barbaro ululatu planctuque permixtus, epulantes conterruit. cohors quoque quae excubabat ad tabernaculum regis, verita ne hoc maioris motus initium esset, armare se coeperat. causa subiti pavoris fuit quod mater uxorque Darei, cum captivis nobilibus, regem, quem interfectum esse credebant, ingenti gemitu eiulatuque deflebant. unus namque e captivis spadonibus amiculum quod Dareius abiecerat agnoverat in manibus militis qui id invenerat, ratusque amiculum interfecto regi detractum esse, falsum nuntium mortis eius attulerat.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Alexander, being wearied with his pursuit of Darius, that he could not attain, and the night was approaching, and him, a little before, by his own people into the camp captured. Then he invited some friends to the dinner ordered, when suddenly from a neighboring tent mournful cry, beating barbaric outcry mingled, feasted intimidated. cohort which was on guard, too, to the tent of the king, fearing lest this would be the beginning of a larger movement,began to arm themselves. the cause of the sudden alarm was that the mother and wife, Joan of Darius, with other noble prisoners, the King, whom he had believed him to be put to death with great groaning and lamented the eiulatuque. For a captive eunuchs have cast aside the mantle of giving in the hands of a soldier who knew that he had found ratusque mantle was taken off the king a false report of his death he had brought.
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