Apollinem Graecorum et Romanorum deum fuisse tradunt. Apollo, filius I tłumaczenie - Apollinem Graecorum et Romanorum deum fuisse tradunt. Apollo, filius I angielski jak to powiedzieć

Apollinem Graecorum et Romanorum de

Apollinem Graecorum et Romanorum deum fuisse tradunt. Apollo, filius Iovis, deus solis putabatur. Hunc poetae praecipue invocabant, nam Apolline auctore, carmina condebant. Apollo enim artis poeticae et musicae inventor fuit.
Oracula Apollinis clara erant, maxime Delphicum. Ibi, cum auxilio dei, Pythia sacerdos hominibus futura nuntiabat. Itaque multos homines et multorum populorum legatos ad oraculum Delphicum undique properavisse scimus.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
They say that Apollo was the god of the Romans and the Greeks. Apollo, son of Jupiter, the god of the sun was thought to be. This poet is especially called for by Apollo, poetry condebant. Was the inventor of the art of poetry and music, Apollo, indeed.
An oracle of Apollo in a clear, and particularly those of Delphi. There, with the help of God, the future for men, reported that the priest of the Pythian. So, for many people, and we know many of the people deputies to the oracle of Delphi from all sides properavisse.
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