6. El caballo de madera:1. Graeci tamen urbem Troiam non ceperant. 2.  tłumaczenie - 6. El caballo de madera:1. Graeci tamen urbem Troiam non ceperant. 2.  angielski jak to powiedzieć

6. El caballo de madera:1. Graeci t

6. El caballo de madera:

1. Graeci tamen urbem Troiam non ceperant. 2. Tunc Ulixes, Ithacae rex, vir callidus, fraudem invenit. 3. Milites, Ulixis iussu, equum ligneum fecerunt. 4. Equus tam altus erat quam collis, tam latus quam navis. 5. Fortes duces, Ulixes et Menelaus et Pyrrhus, Achillis filius, in eum ingentem equum intravere. 6. Tum ceteri Graeci in naves conscen­derunt ac propinquam insulam petiverunt. 7. Equum autem in Troiae litore reliquere. 8. Mane Troiani, hostium classem non iam videntes, sine metu ex oppido in campum exierunt. 9. Magna erat eorum laetitia: nonne Graeci post tam multos annos abierant?
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6. El caballo de madera: 1. However, the Greeks had not caught the city of Troy. 2. Then Ulysses, king of Ithaca, a man of cunning, fraud, found them not. 3. The soldiers, by order of Ulysses, the horse of wood, did the same. 4. The horse is so high that was greater than of the hill, as well as the side of the ship. 5. the brave generals, Ulysses and Menelaus and Pyrrhus, son of Achilles, they entered upon him, a huge horse. 6. Then, the rest of the ships of the Greeks living in the island, came up and relative of their indiscretion. 7. Trojan horse in the left shore. 8. In the morning, the Trojans, the fleet of the enemy, no longer saw it, they went out into the plain, out of the town without the fear of. 9. Great was their joy, say: The Greeks, after so many years, were gone away, are they not?

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