Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
7. En el palacio de la maga Circe: 1. One vessel was to so many dangers, was left over. 2. Then the Ulixescum a few companions and the island where he went to Circa, daughter of the sun, they dwelt. 3. She learned the arts of magic. 4. they are your associates, of whom I had sent to her, Ulysses, he accepted it willingly. In the circus he did not enter the house of 5. The only Eurylochus. 6. Greek goddess magicamque delightful food and beverage, provided that those poor men into swine changed. 7. secure, but friends who had waited for a long time, he finally returned to the ship. 8. Ulysses, which Mercuriusadfuit who were able to restore liberty; For in regard to them, again, to the men who broke his word.
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