difficilia saepe sunt maxima.pessimi auctores libros plurimos scribunt tłumaczenie - difficilia saepe sunt maxima.pessimi auctores libros plurimos scribunt angielski jak to powiedzieć

difficilia saepe sunt maxima.pessim

difficilia saepe sunt maxima.
pessimi auctores libros plurimos scribunt.
mors mihi est servitute facilior.
graviores et difficiliores res animi sunt morbi, quam corporis.
cicero omnium civium romanorum eloquentissimus, oratorum clarissimus erat.
omnium graeciae antiquae regionum clarissima erat attica.
omnium societatum nulla est gravior, nulla carior quam patria.
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they are often hard to be the greatest.
the worst of the authors of the many books they write.
is death to me is the service that is more convenient.
the more serious and more difficult thing of the mind belong to the disease, as well as body.
Cicero most eloquent of all the citizens of the Romans, it was a very famous orators.
He was the most famous of all the regions of the Ancient Greece, Attica.
of all, there is no social is more severe, there is no dearer than one's country.
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