De leone magno et mure parvulo Leo dormit, mus parvulus temere in dors tłumaczenie - De leone magno et mure parvulo Leo dormit, mus parvulus temere in dors angielski jak to powiedzieć

De leone magno et mure parvulo Leo

De leone magno et mure parvulo

Leo dormit, mus parvulus temere in dorsum bestiae insilit et leonem e somno excitabat. Leo e somno excitatus, magna voce mugiebat, murem capiebat et devorare cupiebat. Sed mus eum rogabat et leo murem incolumem dimittit. Post paucos dies leo in laqueos venatorum incidit et silvam clamore magno implet. Mus rugitum audit et, ubi leonem in laqueis videbat, pro salute grata laqueos dentibus arrodebat et leo periculo ingenti liberabatur. Recte igitur dicitur- Nullius exiquitatem et impotentiam spernere debemus.
Z języków takich jak: łaciński
Na język: angielski
Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
The lion and the mouse is a great little lion is sleeping, a little mouse at random in the back of the beast and the lion leaps out of waking up. The lion was aroused out of sleep, a loud voice, mugiebat that the mouse was taking, and to devour people. But the lion and the mouse, rat and asked him to leave unharmed. Fell into the snares of the hunter 's a lion in the forest After a few days with a loud shout, and the fill of it. Listens to the roaring of the mouse, and, when he saw the lion in his snares, which involved enormous risks for the safety of, and the lion was freed arrodebat pleasing to the snares of the teeth. Well, then, we ought to reject dicitur- no exiquitatem and impotence.

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