6. Jason regresa con Medea a Tesalia: 1. Medea rursus Iasonem adiit et tłumaczenie - 6. Jason regresa con Medea a Tesalia: 1. Medea rursus Iasonem adiit et angielski jak to powiedzieć

6. Jason regresa con Medea a Tesali

6. Jason regresa con Medea a Tesalia:

1. Medea rursus Iasonem adiit et «NoIi hic manere, inquit, nam magno in periculo es. 2. Nunquam pater meus tibi vellusaureum dabit. 3. Ego vero ad draconem, velleris custodem, te ducam; auxilio meo vellus capere poteris.» 4. Tum Medeaiuvenem iussit in silvam intrare. 5. Ibi Medea immane animal sopivit; Iason autem vellus aureum capere et ad navem fugare potuit. 6. Tunc cum Medea carisque comitibus in navem conscendit et in Graeciam rediit. 7. Ibi Medeam uxorem duxit, ac post mortem Peliae, Thessaliae rex fuit.
Z języków takich jak: łaciński
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6. Jason Medea Regresa with a Tesalia: 1. Medea Jason himself, and on the other hand «noiia here to stay, he says, for you are in great danger. 2. My father will never give vellusaureum. 3. For my part, to the dragon, the keeper of the sheep, you will lead; you will be able to catch the fleece of my help. "4. Then Medeaiuvenem to be cast into the forest to enter. 5. There is an enormous Medea living in oblivion; Jason, however, was able to seize the golden fleece, and to the ship to put to flight. 6. Then the companions on board the ship on board and had to return to Greece with Medea and dear. 7. There Medea and married a wife, and after the death of Pelias, king of Thessaly.

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