7. El éxito de la estratagema:1. Plurimi Troiani cupiebant tam mirum e tłumaczenie - 7. El éxito de la estratagema:1. Plurimi Troiani cupiebant tam mirum e angielski jak to powiedzieć

7. El éxito de la estratagema:1. Pl

7. El éxito de la estratagema:

1. Plurimi Troiani cupiebant tam mirum equum in oppidum trahere, quod eorum admirationem movebat. 2. Laocoon tamen sacerdos atque Cassandra, Priami filia, eos ita monuerunt 3. « Nolite id facere; timete Graecorum donum. » 4. Troiani nec Laocoontis nec Cassandrae verba crediderunt, sed equum in oppidum ad Minervae templum traxerunt. 5. Media autem nocte, milites graeci ex equo exierunt. 6. Ad oppidi custodes clam processerunt eosque celeriter interfecerunt. 7. Iam Graecorum classis ad Troiae litus redierat; milites, de navibus exeuntes, per campum urbem petierunt. 8. UIixes autem eiusque comites portas aperuere; ita Graecorum exercitus in urbem invasit.
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7. El éxito de la estratagema: 1. Many wonder whether the Trojans wanted to draw a horse in the town, which moved their admiration. 2. Yet the priest Laocoon and Cassandra, Priam's daughter, that they have sole object of worship 3. "Do not do it: Greeks fear a gift. »4. the words of Cassandra, the Trojans, nor believed, nor Laocoonte, but the horse and dragged him into the town, to the temple of Minerva. 5. the middle of the night, and they went out from his horse and his Macedonian soldiers. 6. To carry out the keepers of the town and killed them quickly. 7. And the fleet withdrawn to the Greeks, the coast of Troy, had returned; the soldiers, from the ships, come out, and those in the fields of the city to them. 8. UIixes he and his companions opened the gates; so the Greek army into the city, he exalted himself.

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