Exercitui Romano populus gratias agebat, nam oppida, vicos, agros, tem tłumaczenie - Exercitui Romano populus gratias agebat, nam oppida, vicos, agros, tem angielski jak to powiedzieć

Exercitui Romano populus gratias ag

Exercitui Romano populus gratias agebat, nam oppida, vicos, agros, templa deorum defendebat. Poetae saepe laudant exercitus, qui patriam defendunt et de victoriis exercituum saepe narrant. Cornua et tubae exercituum ad pugnam vocant

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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
He gave thanks to the host of the ideology of the people, for the towns, the villages, and the fields, the temples of the gods, prevented him. Poets often praise of the army, and of the victory of the army, who defend the country, often to this story. Of hosts, call to battle, And the sound of the horns of the

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