Viae Romanae variae sunt. Viae publicae Romam cum provinciis, viae pri tłumaczenie - Viae Romanae variae sunt. Viae publicae Romam cum provinciis, viae pri angielski jak to powiedzieć

Viae Romanae variae sunt. Viae publ

Viae Romanae variae sunt. Viae publicae Romam cum provinciis, viae privatae villas cum viis publicis coniungunt.
Via Appia est via publica et antiqua. Viam Appiam Claudius Appius aedificat. Via Appia Romam cum Capua coniungit. Viam Appiam reginam viarum appellamus.
Via Sacra est via Romana. Via Sacra longa, pulchra et lata est. Poeta Horatius viā Sacrā ambulare solet. Horatius saepe Via Sacra ambulat et novas fabulas excogitat. Feminae opulentae Romanae in via Sacra tunicas et gemmas emunt. Prope viam Sacram templum Vestae est. Ibi flammae aeternae flagrant et incolae Romae deae sacrificant.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Via Romana varied. The ways of the republic, with all the provinces to Rome, the ways of a private villa with the ways of the public and with each other.
There is a way of the state, and the ancient Via Appia. Appian Way Claudius Marcus builds. Capua on the Appian Way to Rome with my wife. We call the queen of the streets, the way of the Appian Way.
The Via Sacra is the way of the Roman. Via a long, beautiful, and it was issued by. To walk a Via Sacra poet Horatius. Horace Via walks and often invents new stories. The women who are at ease in the way James Roman tunics and precious vases. Via Sacra near the temple of Vesta. There is an eternal flame burns, and the inhabitants of Rome, the goddess of sacrifice.
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