2. La cólera de Diana:1. Diu advers iventi Graecos in portu Aulide ret tłumaczenie - 2. La cólera de Diana:1. Diu advers iventi Graecos in portu Aulide ret angielski jak to powiedzieć

2. La cólera de Diana:1. Diu advers

2. La cólera de Diana:

1. Diu advers iventi Graecos in portu Aulide retinuerunt. 2. Tum Agamemnon Calchantem interrogavit, isque regi respondit 3. «Diana dea tibi irata est, quod cerva meius sacramin silva vulneravisti. 4. Itaque adversos ventos movet. 5. Cum autem filiam tuam Iphigeniam deae immolaveris, tunc classis e portu exire et Troiaelitus petere poterit.» 6. Calchantis verba Agamemnon magnum dolorem fecerunt, nam filia ei cara erat. 7. Agamemnon tamen deae invitus paruit. 8. Regis iussu, Ulixes Mycenas properavit et puellae dixit : 9. «Noli domi manere; celeriter veni Aulidem; ibi Achilles, pulcher iuvenis et dux fortis, te uxorem ducet.»
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
2. La cólera of Diana: 1. Ivens long adver Greeks in the port of Aulis retained. 2. Turn Calchantem asked Agamemnon, the king said he was 3. "goddess Artemis is angry that deer forest meius sacramin wounded. 4. Accordingly moves opposite directions. 5. And when he was your daughter Iphigenia to the goddess, hast sacrificed him, the fleet out of the harbor then be able to go out and ask for Troiaelitus. »6. Calchantis the words of Agamemnon to great pain, they have done, for it is dear to him, was the daughter of. 7. Agamemnon, however reluctantly obeyed the goddess. 8. by order of the King, Ulysses hastened to Mycenae and the girls said: 9. "Do not stay at home; Aulis come quickly; there Achilles, the mighty man, and a leader of a fair young man, you shall take a wife. "

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