De Alexandro Magno et asini domino callidoAliquando oraculum, Alexandr tłumaczenie - De Alexandro Magno et asini domino callidoAliquando oraculum, Alexandr angielski jak to powiedzieć

De Alexandro Magno et asini domino

De Alexandro Magno et asini domino callido
Aliquando oraculum, Alexandrum Magnum, Macedoniae regem, sic monuisse dicitur: "Necari iube eum, qui tibi in urbis porta primus occuret!". Alexandro vir pauper, qui asinum agebat, obviam venit. Alexander oraculo obtemperans virum interfici, iussit. "Cur me, domine, morte punire desideras?" vir interrogat. Alexander ei oraculi, praeceptum enarrat. Tum vir callidus: "Oraculi praeceptum non explicas recte: asinus meus tibi primus occurrit, eum interficere debes". Placuit regi callidum responsum viri et asinum pro homine morti destinavit.
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Na język: angielski
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Alexander the Great and the ass his master of cunning
Sometimes, the oracle, of Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia, I urged you, so it is said, "put to death, him who is the first to you in the gate of the city, somebody!". Alexander was a poor man, who is an ass, and took in hand, went to meet them. Alexander oracle complying man killed for. "Why should I, my lord, you shall surely punish you desire?" the man asks. Alexander now of the oracle, they were commanded he narrates. Then, a clever man: "And the oracle command is not given rightly explain: The first to meet you, my ass, you should kill him". The king and his ass for calculating the response of a man destined to die.
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