poeta fabulam narrat. graeci ad asian navigant. troiam obsident. troia tłumaczenie - poeta fabulam narrat. graeci ad asian navigant. troiam obsident. troia angielski jak to powiedzieć

poeta fabulam narrat. graeci ad asi

poeta fabulam narrat. graeci ad asian navigant. troiam obsident. troiani et graeci diu pugnant. troiae incolae multos graecos necant. turn graeci equum ligneum aedificant. troiani equum ligneum vident et intra troiae muros portant. tandem graeci troiae incolas superant. dea venus apparet et aeneam admonet. ad italiae pulchuras oras propera. graecos non timete. aeneas bonae deae paret et per multas terras errat. tandem ad italiam navigat. in italia patriam novam parat.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
tells the story of a poet. Asian Greeks to sail. besiege Troy. Trojans and the Greeks for a long fight. Troy natives kill many Greeks. Then build a wooden horse the Greeks. Trojan wooden horse they carry within the walls of Troy. Greeks, had finally overcome its inhabitants. , and the goddess Venus appears to Aeneas tells us. pulchuras shores come to Italy. Greeks do not fear. obeyed, and of brass, the goddess of good wander through many lands. and finally to Italy. in Italy, is preparing a new country.
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