4. Los combates delante de Troya:1. In campo, inter mare et oppidum Tr tłumaczenie - 4. Los combates delante de Troya:1. In campo, inter mare et oppidum Tr angielski jak to powiedzieć

4. Los combates delante de Troya:1.

4. Los combates delante de Troya:

1. In campo, inter mare et oppidum Troiam, omnes fortiter pugna­bant. 2. Nam Graeci et Troiani fortes milites eorumque duces periti erant. 3. Achillesautem ceteros Graecos virtutis fama superabat. 4. Troiani vero omnem spem in Hectore, Priami filio, habebant. 5. Duorum virorum facta Homerus poeta nobis narravit. 6. Olim Achilles, quod Agamemnoni iratus erat, pugnae non interfuit; Graeci magnam cladem acceperunt. 7. Hostes usque ad Graecorum naves, quasnautae in litus traxerant, clam venerunt earumque partem igne deleverunt. 8. Unus ex Achillis comitibus, Patroclus, hostes pellere potuit; Hector autem eum in acie interfecit. 9. Tum Achilles cum Hectore pugnare constituit.
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4. Los combates delante de Troya: 1. Also in the field, between the sea and the town of Troy, all the brave fighting. 2. For the Greeks, and the Trojans are the leaders of their profession were experts in the brave fighters. 3. Achillesautem the rest of the Greeks excelled report. 4. But all hope in the Trojan Hector, son of Priam, held. 5. The two men became poet Homer told us. 6. In former times the Achilles, Agamemnon was angry that he was not present at the conflict; Greeks have suffered a great defeat. 7. The enemy, to the Greek and the ships, which had drawn the shore quasnautae, in secret, they came to their part in the fire, and destroyed. 8. One of the companions of Achilles, Patroclus, was able to beat back the enemy; Hector said to him, in order of battle and killed him. 9. Then, Achilles and Hector fight.

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