Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
11. La matanza de los pretendientes: On that very day of Penelope had said: 2. "He who is the bow, and whom Ulysses left here, were to contend, that I have to get married.» 3. No man, when a great bow contenderepotuerat. 4. Then Ulysses emanating from the bow suitors asked. 5. The suitors, he must consult the beggar saw it, they laughed. 6. Ulysses, however, he took his bow with an easy contends. 7. At the same time he cried out: "I am Ulysses! May all of you, who is my house, seized the government, one has driven my desire to get married Penelope, now fear! "8. Then the proconsul, Ulysses was angry with arrows and killed him. 9. After their death, when his son Telemachus and his wife Penelope lived a life on a long and blessed.
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