3. Preparativos de Jasón.1. Iason Peliae fidem habuit et regis iussu C tłumaczenie - 3. Preparativos de Jasón.1. Iason Peliae fidem habuit et regis iussu C angielski jak to powiedzieć

3. Preparativos de Jasón.1. Iason P

3. Preparativos de Jasón.

1. Iason Peliae fidem habuit et regis iussu Colchorum fines petere constituit. 2. Sine comitibus autem tam longum iter facere non poterat. 3. Itaque acres et peritos iuvenes delegit quibus cum magnam et celerem navem aedificavit. 4. Navis nomen “Argo” erat; itaque Iasonis comites Argonauta evocati sunt. 5. Magno gaudio et ardore in pulchram navem conscenderunt et e portu exierunt. 6. Sine metu e patria abeuntes, per mare Aegeumad Hellespontum cursum tenebant.
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3. Preparative de Jason. 1. Jason Pelias had faith and order of the king of Colchis to set limits. 2. to make the long journey without a companion, however, could not see. 3. Accordingly acres and skilled young people with whom they chose a large and swift ship built. 4. the name of the ship "Argo" was; Jason's comrades were summoned by the Argonauta. 5. With great joy we came up into the ship, and the burning ague, and out of the harbor, and they went out into a beautiful. 6. without the fear of departing from their country, by the sea, the course of the Hellespont Aegeumad kept in captivity.

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