1. Ulixes patriam laetus petebat, cum Neptunus deus tridente mare perc tłumaczenie - 1. Ulixes patriam laetus petebat, cum Neptunus deus tridente mare perc angielski jak to powiedzieć

1. Ulixes patriam laetus petebat, c

1. Ulixes patriam laetus petebat, cum Neptunus deus tridente mare percussit. 2. Irati fluctus ratemin insulae litus iecerunt. 3. Ulixes tamen salvus insulam adire potuit. 4. Ibi puellas vidit, quae pila ludebant, atque ad eas processit. 5. Virgines autem, Ulixem videntes, fuge­runt. 6. Una tamen ex eis, Nausicaa, regis filia, non fugit. 7. Ulixem ad patrem, Phaeacum regem, duxit. 8. Ille Ulixem benigne accepit eique novam navem et peritos nautas dedit
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
1. Ulysses happy candidate country, with Neptune, god of the sea, struck his trident. 2. The angry waves of the shore of the island ratemin firing. 3. Ulysses still be able to visit the island. 4. There he saw the girls, which the ball is played, and there came out to them. 5. But the virgins were, Ulysses saw it, they fled. 6. However, one of them, Nausicaa, daughter of a king, he does not. 7. Ulysses to his father, King Phaecaeans conducted. 8. But he, taking from him a new ship, and the most skilled sailor kindly gave Ulysses
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