Aristides, Lysimachi filius, Atheniensis, aequalis fere fuit Themistoc tłumaczenie - Aristides, Lysimachi filius, Atheniensis, aequalis fere fuit Themistoc angielski jak to powiedzieć

Aristides, Lysimachi filius, Atheni

Aristides, Lysimachi filius, Atheniensis, aequalis fere fuit Themistocli itaque cum eo de principatu contendit: namque obtrectarunt inter se. In his autem cognitum est, quanto antestaret eloquentia innocentiae. Quamquam enim adeo excellebat Aristides abstinentia, ut unus post hominum memoriam, quem quidem nos audierimus, cognomine Iustus sit appellatus, tamen a Themistocle collabefactus testula illa exilio decem annorum multatus est. Qui quidem cum intellegeret reprimi concitatam multitudinem non posse, cedensque animadvertisset quendam scribentem, ut patria pelleretur, quaesisse ab eo dicitur, quare id faceret aut quid Aristides commisisset, cur tanta poena dignus duceretur. Cui ille respondit se ignorare Aristiden, sed sibi non placere, quod tam cupide elaborasset, ut praeter ceteros Iustus appellaretur. Hic decem annorum legitimam poenam non pertulit. Nam postquam Xerxes in Graeciam descendit, sexto fere anno quam erat expulsus, populi scito in patriam restitutus est.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
Aristides, son of Lysimachus, the Athenian, the Themistocles was so, that when he went out of the command, hastened to be almost equal; for upon detracted from the one from another. On the other hand it was ascertained that, in proportion as antestaretur eloquence of innocence. Aristides is so, however, excelled in self-control, so that one of the memory of man, whom we hear so much in us, by the name is called Justus, which ended ten years of exile, however, that by Themistocles collabefactus testula. The excited state of the multitude of those who, indeed, can not be kept in hand, since he reflected, he observed a certain cedensque writing, as a native, put to the rout, that he inquired from him, it is said, why he did so, or what Aristides had committed, why is so great a penalty not worthy to carry. And he said, I know nothing of Aristides, but they do not like, which he had so eagerly had toiled, was to take over the other just souls that title. This ten-year-old suffered a legitimate penalty. For after he went down to Xerxes in Greece, in the sixth year of that was driven out, the people, know that in the country was restored.
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