. En el país de los Cicones y de los Lotófagos:1. Primum Ulixis classi tłumaczenie - . En el país de los Cicones y de los Lotófagos:1. Primum Ulixis classi angielski jak to powiedzieć

. En el país de los Cicones y de lo

. En el país de los Cicones y de los Lotófagos:

1. Primum Ulixis classis Ciconum fines adiit. 2. Ibi Graeci, cum saevis incolis magna virtute pugnantes, urbem Ismaram vi ceperunt; sed, paulo post, novus Ciconum impetus eos ex urbe expulit. 3. Cicones multos Graecos interfecerunt et Ulixes ab eorum finibus cum ceteris comitibus fugit. 4. Post novem dies noctesque, miseri nautae tandem terram viderunt. 5. Ulixes tres comites ad Lotophagos, eius regionis incolas, misit. 6. Lotophagi eos benigne acceperunt eisque egregia poma dederunt. 7. Tum Graeci non iam patriae meminerunt et in Loto­phagorum finibus manere cupiverunt. 8. Ulixes diu eorum reditum exspectaverat; tandem ad eos processit, eosque invitos ad naves vi duxit. 9. Omnes nautae rursus in naves conscenderunt et id litus relique­runt.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
. En el país de los Cicones y de los Lotófagos: 1. Ulysses went to the first class tribute ends. 2. The Greeks, with great courage in fighting the savage inhabitants, the city was taken Ismari; But soon after, new impetus tribute drove them from the city. 3. Cicones many Greeks killed by Odysseus and his companions fled their borders with the rest. 4. After the nine day and night, land, they saw at last the wretched sailors. 5. to the lair, three companions of Ulysses, the inhabitants of that region to live on. 6. Lotophagi gave them a hearty welcome them with excellent fruit. 7. Then the Greeks, no longer wished to remain in the territory of their country, and, in the Lotophagi. 8. Ulysses waited a long time for their return; will eventually lead to them, went forth, and brought him to force them against their will to the ships. 9. All the sailors have left the shore, again, in that they went on board.

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