lumen christi gloriose resurgentis dissipet tenebras cordis et mentisc tłumaczenie - lumen christi gloriose resurgentis dissipet tenebras cordis et mentisc angielski jak to powiedzieć

lumen christi gloriose resurgentis

lumen christi gloriose resurgentis dissipet tenebras cordis et mentis
christus heri et hodie
principium et finis alpha et omega
ipsuis sunt tempora et saecola
deus pro nobis filium tuum crucis
potibilium suvire volvuiste ut enimici nobis expelleres potestatem porate
coeli be super et nobis pluant justum
consalamini popule meus citio veniet
salus tua
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voice, and destroy the darkness of the heart and mind of Christ rising in the light of
Christ is the same yesterday and to-day
the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of the
times, and customers are Saecolorum
, verily, I
, the God of the cross for us, your son, your
porate potibilium Suvi volvuiste to enimici us from the power
of heaven, and to us be super rain the just
consalamini O my people, The citio
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