2. Un pérfido ardid del rey:1. Iasonis adventus Peliam terruit. 2. Mal tłumaczenie - 2. Un pérfido ardid del rey:1. Iasonis adventus Peliam terruit. 2. Mal angielski jak to powiedzieć

2. Un pérfido ardid del rey:1. Iaso

2. Un pérfido ardid del rey:

1. Iasonis adventus Peliam terruit. 2. Malus autem rex tam pul­chrum et opulentum regnum servare vehementer cupiebat. 3. Itaque fraudem excogitans, adulescenti benigne respondit 4. «Gaudium meum magnum est, quod fratris mei filium hic video. 5. Regnum habebis, nam probus sum et mihi carus es. 6. Sed antea e patria exibis atque in Colchorum fines ad Aeetam regem ibis. 7. Illic dracoin silva velleris aurei custos est. 8. Tam pulchrum vellus habere cupio. 9. Ego autem iam senex sum neque ingentem draconem superare potero. 10. Tu validus adulescens es: scio te posse vellus aureum capere et mihi dare. 11. Tunc magna erit tibi gloria, mihi autem laetitia.»
Z języków takich jak: łaciński
Na język: angielski
Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
2. Un pérfido ardides del rey: 1. Jason Pelias arrival terrified. The kingdom of the king of such a fine and rich: 2. to keep the very bad when it wanted to. 3. And so at injury of the thinking of the young man answered them graciously, 4. "That my joy is great, the son of my brother, that I see here. 5. The kingdom, thou shalt have, for you are dear to me, and I am an honest man. 6. But before you go out of the country and in the territories of the Colchis king Aeetam to go. 7. There dracoin the forest with golden fleece, the guardian. 8. I want to have such a beautiful fleece. 9. I am already an old man, I will not be able to overcome a huge dragon. 10. You are a strong, young man: for I know that I could go to seize the golden fleece, and to give me. 11. Then it will be a great glory to thee and to me the delight of all. »

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