De Re publica RomanaRomam primum reges gubernabant. Deinde Romanorum p tłumaczenie - De Re publica RomanaRomam primum reges gubernabant. Deinde Romanorum p angielski jak to powiedzieć

De Re publica RomanaRomam primum re

De Re publica Romana

Romam primum reges gubernabant. Deinde Romanorum patriam res publica erat. Senatus Consiliom publicum Romanorum erat. Senatus cum magistratibus rem publicam administrabat. Civibus Romanis Patria cara erat. Non omnes homines tamen in republica Romana vitam beatam agebant. Servi, qui dominis servire debebant atque ab iis graviter puniebantur, misserimi erant. Exercitus, pro partia pugnantes, magnas victorias reportabant. Exercitus Romanus ex equitatu et peditatu constabat.In proelio equites in cornibus exercitus erant. Exercitui Romano consul aut praetor praeerat. De rebus gestis populi Romani scriptores antiqui multa narrant.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
De Re the Roman republic to Rome for the first time the kings of the governed. Next, the state of the Romans, there was a country. Senate deliberations of the Romans. The management of the state, the senate with the magistrates. Roman citizens were dear country. Not all men, however, a happy life in the state of Rome was being driven. The slaves, who were bound to their masters and to serve severely punished by them, misserimi were. Army, fighting for the great victories of the back. The armies of the horsemen on the horns of the Roman army, and the battle of the cavalry and the infantry constabat.In. Army of the Romans, the consul or a praetor, was in command. Many of these events are related by the ancient writers of the Roman people.

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