Iason Aeetem adit vellusque aureum ab eo petit. Medeam, regis filiam,  tłumaczenie - Iason Aeetem adit vellusque aureum ab eo petit. Medeam, regis filiam,  angielski jak to powiedzieć

Iason Aeetem adit vellusque aureum

Iason Aeetem adit vellusque aureum ab eo petit. Medeam, regis filiam, virtus corpus et verba iuvenis Graeci commovent. Ad eum oculos vertit et voce eius delecatur. ,,iuvenem '' inquit sibi,
,,tam intrepidum primum video qui in itinere longo omnia pericula maris obit et virtute insigni
Argonautas suos superat''.Sic Medea amore lasonis magno incenditur. Itaque, ubi pater Iasoni tauros coniungere, dentes serere, draconem vincere iubet,Medea dolore magno multisque lacrimis ad ancillam fidam currit. ,,Tu mihi'', inquit, consilium da!Hunc iuvenem vides, qui ad terram nostram venit. Pater meus ad mortem crudelem eum mittit. Ego, quae eum amo, eum servare timeo''
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Aeetam approaches the golden fleece, Jason asks him. Medea, the daughter of the king, the power of the body is not influenced by the Greeks and the words of a young man. At this part of his eyes, turned, and with a loud delecatur. ,, In the young man ', "he said to himself,
and such an intrepid ,, of the sea, and, for the first time the power of the video signal that is in the long journey all the dangers
, and the Argonauts but exceeds the ''. In this way the love of Jason and Medea, a great set on fire. So, where his father, Jason bulls join the teeth to sow dragon win bids, Medea, with great pain and many tears to her loyal runs. ,, You are to me '', he said, and took counsel da! This young man you see, who had come to our country, it is come. My God, to the cruel death of the Father he is sent. I, who I love him, I am afraid of him, to keep the ''
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