10. El regreso de Ulises a Ítaca:1. Tandem, post tam longa itinera et  tłumaczenie - 10. El regreso de Ulises a Ítaca:1. Tandem, post tam longa itinera et  angielski jak to powiedzieć

10. El regreso de Ulises a Ítaca:1.

10. El regreso de Ulises a Ítaca:

1. Tandem, post tam longa itinera et tam multos labores, Ulixes in patriam salvus rediit. 2. Ibi uxor, Penelopa, quotidie eius reditum exspectaverat. 3. Procos, qui eam uxorem ducerecupiebant, semper recusaverat. 4. Minerva autem dea Ulixem redeuntem in mendicum mutavit. 5. Neque Eumaeus sub ulcus, qui primus eum vidit, nec servi neque ancillae eum agnoverunt. 6. Solus Argoscanis, post tam multos annos, dominum agnovit; sed nimia laetitia eum oppressit atque ante Ulixis oculos interiit. 7. Paulo post, Telemachus quoque patrem agnovit. 8. Tum Ulixes et Telemachus procos punire constituerunt.
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10. El regreso de Ulises a Itaca: 1. Eventually, after such long marches, and so much work, and be saved, Ulysses has returned to his native land. 2. There wife, Penelope, every day of his expected return. 3. Proca, who had her as a wife ducerecupiebant, it is always his previous refusal. 4. goddess Minerva, Ulysses returning to the needy have changed. 5. For neither under the boil, and Eumaeus, who first saw him than he, nor his handmaid, nor slaves to him, recognized each other. 6. The only Argoscanis, after so many years, the Lord of her lord; But his great joy and overpowered him before the eyes of Ulysses died. 7. A little later, the father of Telemachus, too, she realized. 8. When Odysseus and Telemachus is determined to punish the suitors.

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