O tempora! O mores! Res publica Romana in magno periculo est! Catilina tłumaczenie - O tempora! O mores! Res publica Romana in magno periculo est! Catilina angielski jak to powiedzieć

O tempora! O mores! Res publica Rom

O tempora! O mores! Res publica Romana in magno periculo est! Catilina, vir malus, consul esse desiderat, consules, praetores, quaestores interficĕre studet. Catilinae caedes, rapinae, discordia civium, bella intestina grata sunt, civibus bonis perniciem et mortem parat. Iam exercitum contra Romam paratum in Etruriā habet. Senatores in senatu de rebus publicis disputant. Ciceroni consilia Catilinae iam nota sunt, itaque orationem habet, qua de Catilinae coniuratione senatoribus enarrat. Catilina, qui in senatu aderat, Ciceronis oratione permotus et perterritus Romam relinquit et ad exercitum suum fugit. Romani Ciceronem patrem patriae appellant, nam patriam periculo liberavit. Memoriā verba tenete: Salus rei publicae suprema lex!
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What times! O mores! Czech Republic is the Roman in great danger! Catiline, a man of evil, the consul desires to be, the consuls, the praetors, the quaestors to kill is striving for. Catiline, murder, rapine, and civil discord of the citizens, in civil wars grateful to God, to prepare for death, and the destruction of the goods of the citizens. Has been prepared against Rome, whose armies were in Etruria. The senators, as the public debate in the senate of his victories. , Already known to Cicero Catiline 's plans are, therefore, makes a speech, in which he tells the elders of the conspiracy of Catiline. Catiline, who was on the spot in the senate, and inspired by the language of Cicero and he leaves to Rome and to the army, and fled. Call the Roman Cicero, father of his country, for his own risk of the free. They hold fast to the words of: the safety of the public is the highest law!
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