Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
Fifth in the dark looking for a friend's house for a long time. Now finally
in the fifth. Quintus calleth his own servants:
- Dave! Syrus! Where are you?
Davus voice: and the Syrians of the Lord, come quickly. The wealthy
Romans have many servants. Fifthly, there are only two servants.
Quintus to his servants, commands:
- to me and to my friend to refer to ready these
servants of the Lord parent. A Syrian ready to wine and two cups on a sudden
to bring about, Dave is preparing for dinner. Syrian fills cups. Quintus
gives the cup of the wine of his friend.
- Drink a friend! Wine is good for a man to the Roman it never hurts to.
Titus praises the wine and became a friend of the house:
- The house of the your most pleasing to me. The house is not great but a beautiful
Quintus replies:
- My house is small. Opulentus I am not, of riches to
have no more. But we ought to see my library. A library and
a quiet room. Many books were in Greek of the Latin-que to Me.
books are my riches, my.
- I want to see but it is not a library, and your day. We are tired,
we ought to take. Dormīre want now.
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