Amīci diu domum Quinti in tenebris quaerunt. Nunc demumapud Quintum su tłumaczenie - Amīci diu domum Quinti in tenebris quaerunt. Nunc demumapud Quintum su angielski jak to powiedzieć

Amīci diu domum Quinti in tenebris

Amīci diu domum Quinti in tenebris quaerunt. Nunc demum
apud Quintum sunt. Quintus servos suos vocat:
– Dave! Syre! Ubi estis?
Davus et Syrus dominum audiunt et cito veniunt. Opulenti
Romāni multos servos habent. Quinto duo tantum servi sunt.
Quintus servis suis imperat:
– Cenam mihi et amīco meo parāte!
Servi domino parent. Syrus subito vinum et duo pocula
apportat, Davus cenam parat. Syrus pocula implet. Quintus
amīco suo poculum vini dat.
– Bibe amīce! Vinum bonum viro Romano numquam nocet.
Titus vinum bibit et domum amīci laudat:
– Domus tua mihi valde placet. Domus non magna sed pulchra
tibi est.
Quintus respondet:
– Domus mea parva est. Opulentus non sum, divitias non
habeo. Sed bibliothēcam meam vidēre debes. Bibliothēcam
opulentam habeo. Multi libri Graeci Latini-que mihi sunt.
Libri sunt divitiae meae.
– Bibliothēcam tuam vidēre cupio sed non hodie. Fessi sumus,
requiescere debēmus. Nunc dormīre cupio.
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Fifth in the dark looking for a friend's house for a long time. Now finally
in the fifth. Quintus calleth his own servants:
- Dave! Syrus! Where are you?
Davus voice: and the Syrians of the Lord, come quickly. The wealthy
Romans have many servants. Fifthly, there are only two servants.
Quintus to his servants, commands:
- to me and to my friend to refer to ready these
servants of the Lord parent. A Syrian ready to wine and two cups on a sudden
to bring about, Dave is preparing for dinner. Syrian fills cups. Quintus
gives the cup of the wine of his friend.
- Drink a friend! Wine is good for a man to the Roman it never hurts to.
Titus praises the wine and became a friend of the house:
- The house of the your most pleasing to me. The house is not great but a beautiful
Quintus replies:
- My house is small. Opulentus I am not, of riches to
have no more. But we ought to see my library. A library and
a quiet room. Many books were in Greek of the Latin-que to Me.
books are my riches, my.
- I want to see but it is not a library, and your day. We are tired,
we ought to take. Dormīre want now.
Tłumaczony, proszę czekać..
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