36 - De Sacerdote Qui Caniculum Sepelivit Erat sacerdos rusticanus in  tłumaczenie - 36 - De Sacerdote Qui Caniculum Sepelivit Erat sacerdos rusticanus in  angielski jak to powiedzieć

36 - De Sacerdote Qui Caniculum Sep

36 - De Sacerdote Qui Caniculum Sepelivit

Erat sacerdos rusticanus in Tuscia admodum opulentus. Hic caniculum sibi carum, cum mortuus esset, sepelivit in coemeterio. Sensit hoc Episcopus, et, in ejus pecuniam animum intendens, sacerdotem veluti maximi criminis reum ad se puniendum vocat. Sacerdos, qui animum Episcopi satis noverat, quinquaginta aureos secum deferens, ad Episcopum devenit. Qui sepulturam canis graviter accusans, jussit ad carceres sacerdotem duci. Hic vir sagax: «O Pater,» inquit, «si nosceres qua prudentia caniculus fuit, non mirareris si sepulturam inter homines meruit; fuit enim plus quam ingenio humano, tum in vita, tum praecipue in morte. «Quidnam hoc est?» ait Episcopus. «Testamentum,» inquit sacerdos, «in fine vitae condens, sciensque egestatem tuam, tibi quinquaginta aureos ex testamento reliquit, quos mecum tuli.» Tum Episcopus et testamentum et sepulturam comprobans, accepta pecunia, sacerdotem absolvit.
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36 - of the priests who buried the little dog was a very wealthy countryman in Tuscany. This is the mold that is dear to him, who was dead, it was buried in the cemetery. He felt he was Bishop, and, in his money, he is to extend, the high priest, as it were guilty of the crime of the greatest punishment of the wicked come to himself, he calls. A priest who knew enough to the Bishops' attention, bringing with him fifty pieces of gold, to the bishop, came to. He accuses the burial of a dog seriously, ordered the priest led to imprisonment. This is a wise man: "O Father," he says, "If you could know how prudent caniculus, they would not marvel if he burial of the dead men are to blame; for it was more than that of the ability of human beings, both in the life of nations, but especially in death. «What does this mean?" The bishop said. "Testament," he says the priest, "in the end of life, explained what was, and knowing that your poverty, you have left in the will of fifty pieces of gold, whom I took with me." Then, the burial of a bishop, and his covenant, and to prove, took the money, the priest, closes the conference.

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