Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
5. Hazañas de Jason en la Cólquida. 1. 2. King Aeetes answered the "Magna in a thing from me according to your word; I will give you, however, vellusaureum, enormous bulls, my eyes, his nostrils breathed forth fire, victory over self, with the teeth of the dragon in the field was sown; the arms of them that are born with teeth, pick out from among you overcome. »3. Jason pleasant it is for the king's answer was not, for there was no man was able to do a great number of labors. 4. But Medea, the king's daughter, and expert in magical arts, Jason was present, which the young man she loved. 5. Yes, Jason overcame huge bulls, the men could kill a dragon dentibusnatos. 6. cruel king has not wanted to give Jason a golden fleece, but poor Argonauts to destroy evil fraud.
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