Wyniki (
angielski) 1:
8. En la isla de Calipso: 1. Ulixessolus men could hear the sirens without risk, whose beautiful voice delighted the Mariners swept them into the sea. 2. Now new dangers had slipped away, the ship broke the waves of the sea with a vast force. 3. All his companions were killed; He left the safety visited the island, where she lived Calypso, the nymph of extraordinary beauty. 4. Ulysses and gave him food on the island gladly accepted. Ulysses did not long remain a happy life, and 5. At the foot of a magnificent triumph. 6. Finally, the command of God to return him to his homeland. 7. On their orders, ratemfecit; with the good hope, alone, through the deep, he sailed to the Ithaca.
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