MILES R OMANUS Quintus frater Marci est. Iulia soror Marci est. Marcus tłumaczenie - MILES R OMANUS Quintus frater Marci est. Iulia soror Marci est. Marcus angielski jak to powiedzieć

MILES R OMANUS Quintus frater Marci


Quintus frater Marci est. Iulia soror Marci est. Marcus et Quintus
fratres Iuliae sunt. Marcus patrem et matrem, fratrem et sororem habet.
Nomen patris est ‘Iulius’. Nomen matris ‘Aemilia’ est. ‘Quintus’ nomen
fratris est. Nomen sororis est ‘Iulia’.
Marco una soror est. Iuliae duo fratres sunt. Nomina fratrum sunt
‘Marcus’ et ‘Quintus’. Patri et matri duo filii et una filia sunt.
Matri ‘Aemilia’ nomen est. Qui patri nomen est? Patri nomen est
‘Lucius Iulius Balbus’ (viro Romano tria nomina sunt). ‘Lucius’ est
praenomen, id est nomen primum. ‘Balbus’ cognomen est.
Filiis nomina sunt ‘Marcus Iulius Balbus’ et ‘Quintus Ilulius
Balbus’. ‘Marcus’ et ‘Quintus’ praenomina filiorum sunt. Alia
praenomina Latina sunt ‘Gaius’, ‘Decimus’, ‘Publius’, ‘Sextus’, ‘Titus’.
Aemiliae unos frater est. Fratri ‘Aemilius’ nomen est (praenomen
‘Publius’, cognomen ‘Paulus’). Frater Aemiliae avunculus liberorum est.
Marcus et Iulia patrem interrogant: “Quis est Aemilius?”. Iulius
respondet: “Aemilius avunculus vester est.”
Marcus et Iulia: “Cornelius-ne quoque avunculus noster est?”.
Iulius: “Cornelius avunvulus vester non est, nam is fratrer matris non est.
Mater vestra unum fratrem solum habet.”
Iulia: “Ubi est avunculus noster?”. Iulius: “Aemilius, avunculus
vester, in Germania est. Aemilius miles Romanus est. In Germania multi
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oman my brother Quintus Marcus. Mark's sister, Julia is. Marcus and Quintus to the Julian family, brethren, are not. Marcus father and mother, his brother, and his sister has it. And the name of the Father there is 'Julius'. The name of the mother, "Aemilia" is. 'Quintus', the name of this brother. Is the name of the sister of 'Julia'. 5 10 15 20 25 Marco one sister. Julia, and two brothers. The names of his brothers are 'Marcus' and 'fifth'. Are the Father and to his mother, two sons and one daughter. 1 to the Mother of 'Aemilia' is a noun. He is his father's name? Is the name of the Father, 'Lucius Balbus the Younger' (to the men of the three mean the Roman). 'Lucius' is the first name, that is, the name of the former is not. 'Balbus' impetigo. the names of the children are 'Marcus Iulius Balbus' and' Quintus Ilulius Balbus'. 'Marcus' and 'Quintus' praenomina children is their. The other praenomina of their Latin 'Gaius', 'X', 'Publius', 'Sextus', 'Titus'. Aemiliae unos is our brother. Brother 'Aemilius' is the name of the (forename 'Publius', the surname 'Paul'). The brother of Amelia uncle of children. Julia, the father of Mark, and they ask, "Who is Aemilius?". Julius responds: "Aemilius is your uncle." Marcus and Julia: "He is our uncle, Cornelius-ne, too?". Julius: "Cornelius avunvulus is not in, for that is his mother's brother is not there. : your mother was one brother who is the only one of. " Iulia , "Where is the uncle of our God?". Julius: "Aemilius, uncle, your God, is in Germany. Aemilius a Roman soldier. Many in Germany

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