5. La muerte de Héctor:1. Achillescum omnibus Graecis adversus hostes  tłumaczenie - 5. La muerte de Héctor:1. Achillescum omnibus Graecis adversus hostes  angielski jak to powiedzieć

5. La muerte de Héctor:1. Achillesc

5. La muerte de Héctor:

1. Achillescum omnibus Graecis adversus hostes processit. 2. Troianiin oppidum fugerunt; solus Hector pro moenibus manserat et Achillem fortiter exspectabat. 3. Tamen, quod Achillis vim sustinere non potuit, circum urbem mox fugit. 4. Achilles vero eum interficere potuit. 5. Hectoris corpori non pepercit: eius enim pedes ad currum alligavit corpusque ante Troianorum oculos in pulvere traxit. 6. Quis dicere poterit patris et matris et uxoris et omnium Troianorum dolorem? 7. Postridie Priamus rex in Graecorum castravenit et Achillem movere potuit; is Hectoris corpus misero seni reddidit.
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5. La muerte de Héctor: 1. Achillescum went forth against the enemy, all Greeks. 2. Troianiin fled the town; Hector and Achilles, only the walls remained strongly awaited. 3. However, that was not able to withstand the force of Achilles, round about the city, fled at once. 4. Achilles, however, was able to kill him. 5. Hector's body has not spared his feet are tied to the car body before the Trojans swept up in the dust. 6. Who will be able to speak of the father and mother and your wife, and of all the pain of the Trojans? 7. The next day King Priam and Achilles, the Greeks castravenit could not move; Hector's miserable old body is restored.

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