Multis diebus post miles, qui e clade Variana* fuga se servavit, narra tłumaczenie - Multis diebus post miles, qui e clade Variana* fuga se servavit, narra angielski jak to powiedzieć

Multis diebus post miles, qui e cla

Multis diebus post miles, qui e clade Variana* fuga se servavit, narrat:
Arminius, dux Cheruscorum* et amicus populi Romani, Varo imperatori nuntiavit paucas gentes* Germanas contra populum Romanum coniuravisse. Varus statim cum legionibus castris exiit et ad gentes infestas* contendit. Arminius nobis iter monstravit. Magno labore per silvas densas iimus, castra in paludibus* posuimus. Multos milites Romanos silvas, imbres*, paludes magis quam Germanos metuisse puto. Subito Germani infestis armis e silvis densis provolaverunt*.
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Wyniki (angielski) 1: [Kopiuj]
For several days after the soldier who was saved from the disaster to Varus * betake themselves in flight, writes that:
Arminius, a friend of the leader of the Cherusci * and the Roman people, to Varus, the Roman emperor, had plotted against the people of Germany; he told it to a limited number of the nations *. Varus immediately went to camp with legions of hostile nations' troops. Herman showed us the way. We have gone through great effort dense forests, pitched camp in the marshes. Many Roman soldiers, showers, pools rather than the Germans were afraid of, I think. The Germans attacked suddenly dashed out of the dense woods.
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