Hannibalis lepidum sed acerbum dictum.Hannibal Carthagine profugus apu tłumaczenie - Hannibalis lepidum sed acerbum dictum.Hannibal Carthagine profugus apu angielski jak to powiedzieć

Hannibalis lepidum sed acerbum dict

Hannibalis lepidum sed acerbum dictum.

Hannibal Carthagine profugus apud Antiochum, Syriae regem, manebat. Aliquando rex duci perito copias suas contra Romanos Paratas ostendebat: exercitum argenteis et aureis insignibus florentem currus cum falcibus, elephantos cum turribus equitatumque frenis et ephippiis fulgentem. Tum Hannibalem Antiochus rogat. "Satis-ne erunt Romanis haec omnia?" Hannibal ridens: "Plane - inquit - satis sunt, credo, Romani, etiam si avarissimi sunt." Lepidum sed acerbum dictum: rex de numero et ornatu exercitus sui, Hannibal de praeda Romanorum sentiebat, eludens ignaviam et imbelliam militum Antiochi.
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My pretty bitter, but it was said of Hannibal. Hannibal Carthage, where he had fled with Antiochus, king of Syria, he was living. The expert pointed out that the forces to be led against the Romans Paratas one time a king: the insignia of the flower of the army of chariots armed with hooks of silver, and jewels of gold, the elephants with their turrets, and horsemen, and the horse will more unmanly, a conspicuous person. Antiochus, Hannibal asks. "That is enough-not to the Romans, all these things shall be?" Hannibal, with a smile: "It is clear - he says - are sufficient, I believe, of the Roman, even if they are most avaricious." Lepidus, but sour said: The king made ​​of the number and the attire of his army, of the spoil, of the Romans, Hannibal felt, deriding the worthlessness of the soldiers, and the army of Antiochus.

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