Domine magisterque Lucifer te deum etprincipem agnosco, et polliceor t tłumaczenie - Domine magisterque Lucifer te deum etprincipem agnosco, et polliceor t angielski jak to powiedzieć

Domine magisterque Lucifer te deum

Domine magisterque Lucifer te deum et
principem agnosco, et polliceor tibi servire et obedire
quandiu potero vivere. Et renuncio alterum Deum
et Jesum Christum et alios sanctos atque sanctas et
Ecclesiam Apostolicam et Romanam et omnia ipsius
sacramenta et omnes orationes et rogationes quibus
fideles possint intercedere pro me; et tibi polliceor quid
faciam quotquot malum potero, et attrahere ad mala
per omnes; et abrenuncio chrismam et baptismum, et
omnia merita Jesu Christi et ipsius sanctorum; et
si deero tuae servitui et adorationi; et si non oblationem
mei ipsius fecero, ter quoque die, tibi do
vitam meam sicut tuam.
Feci hoc anno et die.
Urb. Grandier.
Extractum ex infernis.

Nos praepotens Lucifer, juvante Satan, Belzebub, Leviathan, Elimi,
atque Astaroth, allisque, hodie habemus acceptum pactum
foederis Urbani Grandieri qui nobis est. Et huic pollicemur
amorem mulierum, florem virginum, decus monacharum, honores, voluptates et opes.
Fornicabitur triduo; ebrietas illi cara erit. Nobis offerit semel
in anno sanguinis sigillum, sub pedibus conculcabit sacra ecclesiae et
nobis rogationes ipsius erunt; quo pacto vivet annos viginti felix
in terra hominum, et veniet postea inter nos maleficere Deo.

Factum in infernis, inter consilia daemonum.

Lucifer Belzebub Satanas
Astaroth Leviathan Elimi

Sigilla posuere magister diabolus et daemones principes domini.
Baalberith, scriptor
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lord and master of the star, the god you know, and I promise to you, as long as I live to serve and obey. and renounce other God, and Jesus Christ, and the other saints, and holy men, and

of the same sacraments and the church of the apostolic and Roman, and all for whom he lays all the prayers of the faithful may be able to intercede on behalf of, and the measures advocated by me, and, I promise you I will do as many as evil
what I can,and to attract to the evils
by means of them all, and abrenuncio chrism, holy baptism, and all the merits of Jesus Christ and of his saints,
, and
if the service and adoration of your fail you, and if you do not I shall have done my intimate self and the offering of the
, three times a day, too, to you I give my life
I like you. 'I have done this year and a day.' urb. GROW.
extract from the hells.

us powerful star, with the assistance of Satan, Beelzebub, the leviathan, Elim, and for the country,allisque, have today accepted the covenant of the covenant
Urban Grandier, who is ours.
and to him do we promise the love of women, the flower of virgins, the glory of monarchs, honors, lusts and powers.
for three days he shall play the harlot; intoxication will be dear to him.
He offers us once in the year a seal of blood, under the feet trample the holy things of the church and they will be ask us many questions

: at their pact he will live twenty years happy

, in the land of men, and will later join us to sin against god.

has been done in hell, in the council of demons.
, O Lucifer Beelzebub Satan Astaroth Leviathan

Elim, they set up the seals of the master of the devil and the demons, princes of the lord.
baalberith, a writer of
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